νœƒL[ (‹LŽ–‚πνœŽž‚ΙŽg—pB‰p”Žš‚Ε8•ΆŽšˆΘ“ΰ)
“ŠeƒL[ i“ŠeŽž “ŠeƒL[ ‚π“ό—Ν‚΅‚Δ‚­‚Ύ‚³‚’j

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DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
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Daddy was furious as I could hear his deep breath. He sat down on the bench by the door. I was looking down afraid he was going to kick my ass. He lifted my head from my chin using the tip of his loafer where I can smell that smelly sheer socks he has been worn all day. Just when our eyes met, a big stinky manly wad landed on my face. Then I felt a big rough hand rubbing the spit all over my face. I heard the daddy say, g next time remember what I told you exactly, I donft want this to happen again, you hear me? I paused and said, g yeeeech. Before I finished the sentence, another spit and a big slap on me. g when I told you something you must say yes. There is no room for you to argue or think, understood?h He said in a deep and firm tone. g yes sirh. Without missing a beep I said it. ggood boy, your night is just about to start.h gStoke your cock while you sniff that jock.h

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gThatfs it! Thatfs it! Thatfs it!h His father bellows. gYes, sir.h He says as he straightens up, standing erect as his member pulses to life between his legs, and in his fatherfs right hand, which are firmly locked on his balls. gYes, sir, I do.h

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gWhat are ya now, by the way?h I used my teeth to strip off daddyfs black sheer socks. I placed them in my mouth and washed them with my saliva. I swallowed every single sweat and stink from these socks. It takes so well. I rolled them into a ball and stuck them into my jockstrap where my small dick and balls were.

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No.F 128040572   [•ΤM]
NameF Geraldswisy
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 123321@loves-ltd.com
URLF https://xrumer.cc/
„R„u„‚„„„y„†„y„ˆ„y„‚„€„r„p„~„~„„z „ƒ„…„t„u„q„~„„z „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„ „„€ „r„€„„‚„€„ƒ„p„} „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„€„z „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„ „y „‰„|„u„~ „‚„u„ƒ„„…„q„|„y„{„p„~„ƒ„{„€„z „P„p„|„p„„„ „ƒ„…„t„u„q„~„„‡ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„€„r „Q„K.

„B „}„€„u„z „„‚„p„{„„„y„{„u „y„ƒ„ƒ„|„u„t„€„r„p„|„y„ƒ„Ž „r„€„x„s„€„‚„p„~„y„‘ „r „|„u„s„{„y„‡ „y „s„‚„…„x„€„r„„‡ „p„r„„„€„}„€„q„y„|„u„z, „~„p „€„q„Œ„u„{„„„p„‡ „w„y„|„€„z „y „{„€„}„}„u„‚„‰„u„ƒ„{„€„z „~„u„t„r„y„w„y„}„€„ƒ„„„y, „r „x„t„p„~„y„‘„‡ „„‚„€„y„x„r„€„t„ƒ„„„r„u„~„~„€„s„€ „y „ƒ„{„|„p„t„ƒ„{„€„s„€ „~„p„x„~„p„‰„u„~„y„‘, „„~„u„‚„s„u„„„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„y„‡ „…„ƒ„„„p„~„€„r„{„p„‡ „y „y„~„„‡ „„‚„€„}„„Š„|„u„~„~„„‡ „€„q„Œ„u„{„„„p„‡.

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DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://arturzasada.pl
gThat you, son?h A voice chimes in from the hallway. He looks down. And then smiles at his dad.

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No.F 128040570   [•ΤM]
NameF gay sex porn
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://arturzasada.pl
gThen show me, father. Show me what it means, TO BE A MAN?h He says with an excitement building in his voice. gI knew ya couldnft keep your hands off it.h His dad says. gMen canft do it, we are drawn to our cocks, like a moth to a flame, and usually that burning sensation that a man feels is the cum boiling up in our balls. You know that feelinf doncha son?h

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No.F 128040569   [•ΤM]
NameF ThomasLycle
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 1477@loves-ltd.com
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„R„…„t„u„q„~„p„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„p„‘ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p„R„…„t„u„q„~„p„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„p„‘ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p „t„|„‘ „…„ƒ„„„p„~„€„r„|„u„~„y„‘ „„‚„y„‰„y„~ „r„€„x„s„€„‚„p„~„y„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„p „„‚„€„}„„Š„|„u„~„~„„‡ „€„q„Œ„u„{„„„€„r, „w„y„|„„‡ „t„€„}„€„r, „{„r„p„‚„„„y„‚, „p„r„„„€„}„€„q„y„|„Ž„~„€„s„€ „„„‚„p„~„ƒ„„€„‚„„„p („|„u„s„{„€„r„€„s„€ „y „s„‚„…„x„€„r„€„s„€) „y „„.„t.
„R„…„t„u„q„~„€„u „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„~„€„u „„|„u„{„„„‚„€„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„€„u „y„ƒ„ƒ„|„u„t„€„r„p„~„y„u„R„…„t„u„q„~„€„u „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„~„€„u „y„ƒ„ƒ„|„u„t„€„r„p„~„y„u „ƒ„y„ƒ„„„u„} „„|„u„{„„„‚„€„ƒ„~„p„q„w„u„~„y„‘ „~„p „y„ƒ„ƒ„|„u„t„…„u„}„„‡ „€„q„Œ„u„{„„„p„‡ „~„p „ƒ„€„€„„„r„u„„„ƒ„„„r„y„u „„„‚„u„q„€„r„p„~„y„‘„} „}„€„~„„„p„w„p „y „„{„ƒ„„|„…„p„„„p„ˆ„y„y „ƒ„€„s„|„p„ƒ„~„€ „ƒ „P„‚„p„r„y„|„p„} „…„ƒ„„„‚„€„z„ƒ„„„r„p „„|„u„{„„„‚„€„…„ƒ„„„p„~„€„r„€„{ „r „Q„u„ƒ„„…„q„|„y„{„u „K„p„x„p„‡„ƒ„„„p„~.
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„R„…„t„u„q„~„€„u „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p „r„u„‹„u„ƒ„„„r „y „}„p„„„u„‚„y„p„|„€„r„R„…„t„u„q„~„p„‘ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p „r„u„‹„u„ƒ„„„r „y „}„p„„„u„‚„y„p„|„€„r „~„p „„‚„u„t„}„u„„ „€„„‚„u„t„u„|„u„~„y„‘ „s„€„‚„„‰„u„ƒ„„„y „}„p„„„u„‚„y„p„|„€„r „y „r„u„‹„u„ƒ„„„r „y „r„€„x„}„€„w„~„€„ƒ„„„y „y„‡ „r„€„ƒ„„|„p„}„u„~„u„~„y„‘ „y „ƒ„p„}„€„r„€„x„s„€„‚„p„~„y„‘.
„R„…„t„u„q„~„€„u „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„~„€„u „y„ƒ„ƒ„|„u„t„€„r„p„~„y„u „~„u„†„„„u„„‚„€„t„…„{„„„€„r „y „s„€„‚„„‰„u-„ƒ„}„p„x„€„‰„~„„‡ „}„p„„„u„‚„y„p„|„€„r„R„…„t„u„q„~„€ - „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„~„€„u „y„ƒ„ƒ„|„u„t„€„r„p„~„y„u „~„u„†„„„u„„‚„€„t„…„{„„„€„r „y „s„€„‚„„‰„u-„ƒ„}„p„x„€„‰„~„„‡ „}„p„„„u„‚„y„p„|„€„r „~„p „„‚„u„t„}„u„„ „y„‡ „~„p„|„y„‰„y„‘ „~„p „}„u„ƒ„„„u „r„€„x„~„y„{„~„€„r„u„~„y„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„p.

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DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://arturzasada.pl
gWhat are ya now, by the way?h He is unfazed by the presence of his dad despite his nakedness inside the hot spray of the shower.

@‘ You prevail upon hu
No.F 128040567   [•ΤM]
NameF gay sex porn
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://arturzasada.pl
Daddy was furious as I could hear his deep breath. He sat down on the bench by the door. I was looking down afraid he was going to kick my ass. He lifted my head from my chin using the tip of his loafer where I can smell that smelly sheer socks he has been worn all day. Just when our eyes met, a big stinky manly wad landed on my face. Then I felt a big rough hand rubbing the spit all over my face. I heard the daddy say, g next time remember what I told you exactly, I donft want this to happen again, you hear me? I paused and said, g yeeeech. Before I finished the sentence, another spit and a big slap on me. g when I told you something you must say yes. There is no room for you to argue or think, understood?h He said in a deep and firm tone. g yes sirh. Without missing a beep I said it. ggood boy, your night is just about to start.h gAnd you did it with that. Your boner?h His dad asks. gI guess.h

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No.F 128040566   [•ΤM]
NameF gay sex porn
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://arturzasada.pl
He runs the towel through his curl-filled hair, and down over his chest, where the early signs of his manhood sprout like an uneven crop of hairs across his chest that run down to his furry-pillowed crotch. Where the throbbing from his hard-on springs back as the damp towel whips his erection back and forth with each swipe of the now dampened towel. gI think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.h He says. gCoach even noticed how hard we all were.h

@‘ Placing the locale
No.F 128040565   [•ΤM]
NameF ThomasLycle
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:21
MailF 1477@loves-ltd.com
URLF https://xrumer.cc/
„R„…„t„u„q„~„p„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„p„‘ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p„R„…„t„u„q„~„p„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„p„‘ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p „t„|„‘ „…„ƒ„„„p„~„€„r„|„u„~„y„‘ „„‚„y„‰„y„~ „r„€„x„s„€„‚„p„~„y„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„p „„‚„€„}„„Š„|„u„~„~„„‡ „€„q„Œ„u„{„„„€„r, „w„y„|„„‡ „t„€„}„€„r, „{„r„p„‚„„„y„‚, „p„r„„„€„}„€„q„y„|„Ž„~„€„s„€ „„„‚„p„~„ƒ„„€„‚„„„p („|„u„s„{„€„r„€„s„€ „y „s„‚„…„x„€„r„€„s„€) „y „„.„t.
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„R„…„t„u„q„~„€„u „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p „€„q„ƒ„„„€„‘„„„u„|„Ž„ƒ„„„r „„€„w„p„‚„p„R„…„t„u„q„~„€„u „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„~„€„u „y„ƒ„ƒ„|„u„t„€„r„p„~„y„u „€„q„Œ„u„{„„„€„r „t„|„‘ „…„ƒ„„„p„~„€„r„|„u„~„y„‘ „}„u„‡„p„~„y„x„}„p „y „„‚„y„‰„y„~ „r„€„x„~„y„{„~„€„r„u„~„y„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„p.
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@‘ You prevail upon hu
No.F 128040564   [•ΤM]
NameF gay sex porn
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:20
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://arturzasada.pl
The sound of the shower echoes throughout the empty house. The bathroom door is open. He knows he has privacy. He is alone. No older brother. No father. Or mother. It is just him. gThinkinf ebout it.h He answers. gI want to show the world that I am a man, like you. Father.h

@‘ You prevail upon mo
No.F 128040563   [•ΤM]
NameF gay sex porn
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:20
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://arturzasada.pl
gWhat are ya now, by the way?h gThat you, son?h A voice chimes in from the hallway.

@‘ Placing the purlieu
No.F 128040562   [•ΤM]
NameF Geraldswisy
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:20
MailF 123321@loves-ltd.com
URLF https://xrumer.cc/
„R„u„‚„„„y„†„y„ˆ„y„‚„€„r„p„~„~„„z „ƒ„…„t„u„q„~„„z „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„ „„€ „r„€„„‚„€„ƒ„p„} „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„€„z „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„ „y „‰„|„u„~ „‚„u„ƒ„„…„q„|„y„{„p„~„ƒ„{„€„z „P„p„|„p„„„ „ƒ„…„t„u„q„~„„‡ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„€„r „Q„K.

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@‘ Mailing
No.F 128040561   [•ΤM]
NameF ThomasLycle
DateF 2024/10/04(Fri) 00:20
MailF 1477@loves-ltd.com
URLF https://xrumer.cc/
„R„…„t„u„q„~„p„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„p„‘ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p„R„…„t„u„q„~„p„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„~„€-„„„u„‡„~„y„‰„u„ƒ„{„p„‘ „„{„ƒ„„u„‚„„„y„x„p „t„|„‘ „…„ƒ„„„p„~„€„r„|„u„~„y„‘ „„‚„y„‰„y„~ „r„€„x„s„€„‚„p„~„y„‘ „„€„w„p„‚„p „„‚„€„}„„Š„|„u„~„~„„‡ „€„q„Œ„u„{„„„€„r, „w„y„|„„‡ „t„€„}„€„r, „{„r„p„‚„„„y„‚, „p„r„„„€„}„€„q„y„|„Ž„~„€„s„€ „„„‚„p„~„ƒ„„€„‚„„„p („|„u„s„{„€„r„€„s„€ „y „s„‚„…„x„€„r„€„s„€) „y „„.„t.
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