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gWhat did Coach have to say when he saw all those hard-young cocks in the locker room?h His dad asks. The pre-cum leaks, like a babbling brook, from the boyfs erect and pulsing cock, depositing its tiny droplets of juice onto the arm-hairs of his proud father. His father squeezes the nuts of his son, tighter and tighter, releasing more of the youthful essence.

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All the blood rushes from his brain to his throbbing erection plus the heat of the shower, making the young lad, light-headed. gI bet you got some stares from the other boys in the locker room.h His dad adds. gYou couldnft miss it.h

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His bare ass melts to the lid of the toilet bowl. He sweats from the steam and the exertions from his continued pounding of the fierceness of his cock. He wiggles as his ass opens, squeaking on the plastic surface of the thrown lid, as he takes whiffs from the cum soaked pouch of the jock that covers his face. His dad takes a seat upon the closed commode lid.

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His father steps into the shower, turning on the water. As he soaks and lathers himself up under the lukewarm stream of water, he fondles his cock and balls. His cock soon mimics that of his son. gWhat?f He balks at the suggestion from his dad.

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