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gThat you, son?h A voice chimes in from the hallway. gThinkinf ebout it.h He answers. gI want to show the world that I am a man, like you. Father.h

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He does not say anything in response to his father as his cock continues pulsing and jumping as the blood engorges his youthful cock more. And more. gThatfs it! Thatfs it! Thatfs it!h His father bellows.

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gYep. Ifve had one since I put on my gear at practice today.h He tells his dad. His fatherfs words are what he hears when he erupts. His cum streaming like liquid threads from the pee-hole of his rigid cock.

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gThinkinf ebout it.h He answers. gI want to show the world that I am a man, like you. Father.h Daddy gave me a look implying his shoes are needed to be removed. gCan I take off your loafers, daddy ?h I asked so quietly. He looked at me and nodded. I took off both his loafers and put them away neatly in front of me. Daddy then raised his right leg and stepped on my forehead, pushing me down into his loafers. It is a mixed smell with sweat, testosterone, and leather. I couldnft help but take a big whiff every time I breathed. gHands-on the floorh he commanded. He moved his feet from my head to my hands. gKiss them and make the stink goes away using only your fag tongue.h gYes sir.h

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gWas it because of that?h His dad asks as he points a finger towards him. And his midsection. His bare ass melts to the lid of the toilet bowl. He sweats from the steam and the exertions from his continued pounding of the fierceness of his cock. He wiggles as his ass opens, squeaking on the plastic surface of the thrown lid, as he takes whiffs from the cum soaked pouch of the jock that covers his face.

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DateF 2024/10/09(Wed) 02:14
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://history-hunters.pl/
gWhat are you now, son?h He runs the towel through his curl-filled hair, and down over his chest, where the early signs of his manhood sprout like an uneven crop of hairs across his chest that run down to his furry-pillowed crotch. Where the throbbing from his hard-on springs back as the damp towel whips his erection back and forth with each swipe of the now dampened towel.

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gIt was intense. Really intense. We ran so many drills. I am exhausted.h He explains. His father kicks the shoes from his feet and slides his khaki pants off, while still holding, the resistant nut-sac of his virile son in his right hand. He is now as naked as his 17-year-old son.

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gThat your jockstrap on the floor next to you, son?h His dad asks. gI managed to lift nearly two hundred today. I believe.h He explains. gBut I strained a lot to do it. I was moaning. Groaning.h

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His dadfs cock does not curve like that of his son, it angles like a fishing rod looking for fish under rushing river waters, from the deep furry patch between the fatherfs legs. His father loosens his grip on the full balls of his son as he stands. He can see the spurts of hair that dot the chest of his son. And he can see the heaving and gentle rise and fall of his sonfs chest, as he breathes, as his excitement builds.

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MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://history-hunters.pl/
gNope.h He says. Flatly. As he runs his hand over his still steely-hard length of his curved cock. Garrett nods to his father.

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MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://history-hunters.pl/
gThen show me, father. Show me what it means, TO BE A MAN?h He says with an excitement building in his voice. gWhatchuhcwhat, dad?h He asks, puzzled by the question from his dad. As his cock is mere inches from his dadfs face.

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MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://history-hunters.pl/
The one shower after his workout and practice had been a good start. But the walk home had tired him. But the massaging jets of water caressing across his muscular frame takes the weariness from his bones from this stressful day. Daddy was furious as I could hear his deep breath. He sat down on the bench by the door. I was looking down afraid he was going to kick my ass. He lifted my head from my chin using the tip of his loafer where I can smell that smelly sheer socks he has been worn all day. Just when our eyes met, a big stinky manly wad landed on my face. Then I felt a big rough hand rubbing the spit all over my face. I heard the daddy say, g next time remember what I told you exactly, I donft want this to happen again, you hear me? I paused and said, g yeeeech. Before I finished the sentence, another spit and a big slap on me. g when I told you something you must say yes. There is no room for you to argue or think, understood?h He said in a deep and firm tone. g yes sirh. Without missing a beep I said it. ggood boy, your night is just about to start.h

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MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://history-hunters.pl/
gYes, sir.h He says as he straightens up, standing erect as his member pulses to life between his legs, and in his fatherfs right hand, which are firmly locked on his balls. gYes, sir, I do.h gWhat are you now, son?h

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MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://history-hunters.pl/
gDo it!h His dad orders. gI look forward to the day when you are a fully grown man, my son.h His father says. gI am anxious to see the fruit of my loins reach his fully-adorned manhood. Adulthood.h

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He does not say anything in response to his father as his cock continues pulsing and jumping as the blood engorges his youthful cock more. And more. gThat is your cock, son.h His father, says. gcbut it does not make you a man. It only makes you a boy with a hard cock in his hand.h