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The now lukewarm water streams through the curls of his hair rinsing away the last vestiges of the soapy lather. It all goes down the drain in a swirl of bubbles.

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Garrett does not go hog-wild on his tool. He caresses and adores it like one would an idol.

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After I serve daddyfs left one, I was about to move to the right foot. While He stopped me, stood up, and walked towards the couch, he said gCrawling right after me.h I followed daddy. My nose was where daddyfs ass was. I was staring at that crotch while I was crawling, and I didnft realize daddy stopped one of a sudden in front of the bathroom. My nose is slightly right into that dreaming ass crack.

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gYou lettinf the beard grow on your face, I see, son?h His father asks him, as his head bumps up under the chin of his towering son.

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gDamn it, son! Damn it! Damn it, you hit the mirror above the sink!h His father shouts as the bullets of cum shoot forth from his sonfs cock and hits the adjacent mirror directly in front of the porcelain bathroom thrown.

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gOnce you plant that cock of yours in some squirmy hole and empty those warm balls of yours into a moist wet hole. Then you are on your way to becoming a man, and only then will you, come-of-age. But it is only a step onto the winding pathway towards manhood. It is my job to teach you what it means to be a man.h His father stands as he finishes his sentence. Loosening his belt and pulling his shirt out from the tucked confines of his pants.

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He does not hear the slamming of the front door. Neither does he hear the footsteps on the wood floor in the hallway. The shower drowns away all this noise.