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I was surprised He wasnft angry. He said,h boy you wait here, I am going to the bathroom.h He closed the door. He must sit on the toilet with pants down because I heard him losing the belt but didnft hear him peeing. After a while, he called my name,h get in here ass sniffing slut.h I opened the door and crawled to the side of daddy. Daddy was still sitting on the toilet. . Just when I was confused why he sat that and did nothing. He stood up and pulled his pants up. I did take a peep of daddyfs huge uncut Middle Eastern dick. Half hard like 7inches already. While he was doing that, he grabbed my hair pushed right into the toilet, and closed the lid. g smell my ass from there boy when it is still fresh.h He paused and continued, g Donft move.h

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His dad takes a seat upon the closed commode lid.

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gWhat did Coach have to say when he saw all those hard-young cocks in the locker room?h His dad asks.

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gFUCK! FUCK!h He says, as he loosens the tightened grip on his fleshy-red-tool, while it throbs with its life-giving blood coursing through its many vein-filled region.

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Garrett picks up the pee-stained and cum-leaked jock from the tile floor.

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His father unbuttons his shirt and throws it to the bathroom floor. Where his son is like the mythical David, cast in stone with blonde locks and cherubic face. The father is dark and with a dayfs growth of stubble on his face.

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His father kicks the shoes from his feet and slides his khaki pants off, while still holding, the resistant nut-sac of his virile son in his right hand. He is now as naked as his 17-year-old son.

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After I serve daddyfs left one, I was about to move to the right foot. While He stopped me, stood up, and walked towards the couch, he said gCrawling right after me.h I followed daddy. My nose was where daddyfs ass was. I was staring at that crotch while I was crawling, and I didnft realize daddy stopped one of a sudden in front of the bathroom. My nose is slightly right into that dreaming ass crack.

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Garrett resumes the fondling of his cock while he takes long drawn-out whiffs from his sweat, piss and cum stained jockstrap.

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gThis is what a man looks like, son.h His father says as his pants fall to the floor. From his waist out pops his representation of a 40-year-old-man. And father of two teenage boys. His cock.

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gBut you didnft though, did you, son?h

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gYou guys jerk off together, these days?h His dad asks, gBack when I was in high school me and several of my friends would jerk-off in our trucks in the parking lot. We were so horny we could barely sit in our seats. You ever do that Garrett?h

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gBack in the day, back before we turned into a modern society, a man would grab another manfs balls and swear an oath on them in his hand and state his words to be true. To be a friendh His father says. gDo you know what I mean, son?h

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MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
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gYeah.h He answers his dad. gcand I was egoing commandof too.h

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DateF 2024/10/09(Wed) 21:20
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
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gI think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.h He says. gCoach even noticed how hard we all were.h

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gThen show me, father. Show me what it means, TO BE A MAN?h He says with an excitement building in his voice.

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DateF 2024/10/09(Wed) 21:20
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF https://slottica-casino.com.pl/
gI ainft a-talking ebout how big ya cock is, boy. I am talking ebout ya, weight. Your height.h His dad says. gI kinda figured on how big you are down there. Thatfs obvious. It makes me proud of you. My son. Of what I created, along with ya mother.h