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gThat is your cock, son.h His father, says. gcbut it does not make you a man. It only makes you a boy with a hard cock in his hand.h

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Garrett thinks to himself; he did not wear a jock home from practice. He was egoing commando.h Is it his older brotherfs jock? gOh, well. gHe mumbles to himself as he takes another whiff of the musky scented pouch of the jock.

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gI am fully grown now, Father.h He says in a heated rebuttal to his fatherfs words.

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NameF gej porno
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gLast I measured, I was nearly eight inches, dad. Maybe more. I may be even bigger, who knows.h He answers nonchalantly.

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gWhat?f He balks at the suggestion from his dad.

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gThat you, son?h A voice chimes in from the hallway.

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Garrett does not go hog-wild on his tool. He caresses and adores it like one would an idol.

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His father strokes his own cock in the shower, the dew from his cock mixes with the drops condensing on the glass.

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No.F 128264553   [•ΤM]
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gYou guys jerk off together, these days?h His dad asks, gBack when I was in high school me and several of my friends would jerk-off in our trucks in the parking lot. We were so horny we could barely sit in our seats. You ever do that Garrett?h

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No.F 128264552   [•ΤM]
NameF gej porno
DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
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gThen show me, father. Show me what it means, TO BE A MAN?h He says with an excitement building in his voice.

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No.F 128264551   [•ΤM]
NameF gej porno
DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
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Garrett picks up the pee-stained and cum-leaked jock from the tile floor.

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gWhat ya lifting now?h His dad asks as he fidgets on the commode seat. He can feel his hard-on growing in his pants.

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DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
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URLF http://www.ospwyszogrod.pl/
gThis is what a man looks like, son.h His father says as his pants fall to the floor. From his waist out pops his representation of a 40-year-old-man. And father of two teenage boys. His cock.

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No.F 128264548   [•ΤM]
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DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
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URLF http://www.ospwyszogrod.pl/
I didnft move and I didnft want to move because the smell in there is so toxic. I can smell daddyfs unwashed ass in there. I was also so happy as daddy sat on the toilet to released his scent just for me to sniff. Just when The scent faded away I heard the daddy say, gCome here, boy.h I saw daddy sitting on my couch with nothing but a white brief on. The bulge was staring at me. I knew I was going to be having a wonderful night.

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No.F 128264547   [•ΤM]
NameF gej porno
DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF http://www.ospwyszogrod.pl/
gThis is what a man looks like, son.h His father says as his pants fall to the floor. From his waist out pops his representation of a 40-year-old-man. And father of two teenage boys. His cock.

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No.F 128264546   [•ΤM]
NameF gej porno
DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF http://www.ospwyszogrod.pl/
gYeah.h He answers his dad. gcand I was egoing commandof too.h

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No.F 128264545   [•ΤM]
NameF gej porno
DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF http://www.ospwyszogrod.pl/
gMaybe his dad is right.h He thinks to himself as he continues with his intense fondling of his fiery red cock.

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NameF gej porno
DateF 2024/10/14(Mon) 16:26
MailF 31eaj3jkl@7awr.com
URLF http://www.ospwyszogrod.pl/
gThen, what is this, father.h He says as he wrestles his cock in a fierce grip and squeezes it like he is fighting against a serpent unleashed from its coil.